Payment Advice

 A payment advisory is a money order that the utility issues on its initiative. When a bill is paid in full, the utility sends the consumer a document with the payment amount and the client's bank account information. If the consumer accepts the information on the payment advice, they sign it and mail it to the clearinghouse, giving the customer's bank the dated and signed payment advice, which completes the transaction.

 Most firms' invoices are constructed so that consumers return a part of the invoice with their payment, known as payment advice, in countries where cheques are still used. In countries where wire transfer is the most popular means of payment, invoices are frequently accompanied by standardised bank transfer order forms that contain a place where the invoice or customer number can be encoded, generally in a computer-readable format. The payer fills out his account information and gives it to a clerk at his bank, who subsequently transfers the funds. 

When an employee reads incoming mail, the quantity of cash received should be compared to the amount mentioned in the payment advise advice. If the consumer fails to return the payment advice, an additional charge will be added to the account.

Did you know?

Standardised bank transfer order forms are common in the Netherlands and Germany and are frequently included with invoices, and feature a place where the invoice or customer number can be encoded.

Terms and Payment Advice Example

Difference Between Payment Receipt and Payment Advice Note

Difference Between Payment Receipt and Payment Advice Note
A payment receipt is evidence of payment that may be given to consumers to demonstrate that their funds have been received. Certain clients may request this, particularly from businesses or those putting a significant order. 

Customers, on the other hand, send payment advice letters to firms. They are a sort of document that informs a company of the payment of an invoice and may be quite helpful when matching payments to invoices. 

The following information should be included on payment notes: 

• An invoice number 

• The payment amount 

• The payment method

Customers may get a payment advice notice and an invoice from some firms. This makes it easy for them to deliver information in the right format and more efficient account management.

The Components of a Payment Advice
You'll want to retrieve crucial information from a vendor's invoice to provide a payment advice document after processing their payment. The invoice will include personal information and payment information, such as the payment method, payment conditions (net 30, payable on receipt, etc.) and the service provider's information. 

When providing payment advice notes, include the following standard fields: 

1. The Name and Address of Your Business
To ensure that the recipient of the payment understands who is paying. If the beneficiary worked for or supplied items to the recipient's subsidiary, add that information on the slip.

2. Name and Address of the Recipient
Then, as specified on the invoice they sent you, enter the recipient's name and address. If that information is accessible, you can also give them their email address or phone number. 

3. Number on the invoice
The vendor would have included an invoice number when submitting an invoice. Please make a note of it on this slip for future reference. 

4. Payment Amount
It's critical to specify the whole amount paid to the receiver, including any taxes or fees withdrawn and any incentives. If you performed numerous services, you could itemise the costs to provide more data.

5. Mode of Payment
Include the method of payment for the Invoice (DCH, PayPal, Venmo, wire transfer, physical check or alternative payment method). This will provide the receiver with a clearer idea of how their money will be delivered and help them link payments to invoices more easily. 

6. Date of Issuance
Finally, indicate when the payment advice paper was sent and when the customer might expect money based on their payment conditions.

How Do Businesses Generate Payment Advice?
Payment guidance documents were significantly more common before payments shifted to digital ways. They were mailed to the firm or contact's address, and they were occasionally accompanied by a physical cheque. Sending payment advice papers online, on the other hand, is considerably more prevalent nowadays.

Email is often the quickest and most convenient way to transmit and receive payment advice paperwork. Instead of relying on a generic corporate email address, it's critical to get the entity's email address (or that of its accounting department) ahead of time.

Other Digital Approaches
Payment advice alerts may be sent and received digitally on many accounting platforms. When an invoice is paid, certain accounting software allows you to automatically create payment advice documents, which are subsequently delivered to the appropriate receiver (or scheduled to be paid). 

The receiver may get an email, SMS message or notification when your accounts payable software produces the payment advice document. 

Remember that the technique you choose to send out payment advice notes will likely vary based on your company's size, profitability and the number of vendors, suppliers and contractors you have.

If you're a small business that pays contractors and suppliers largely by physical cheque, you could choose to send the payment advice paperwork together with the payment. Larger enterprises that provide vendors and suppliers with access to their invoicing software or account payable systems are more likely to deliver these alerts through the software platform. 

Software applications can automatically produce the payment advice and send it to the payment receiver. Examine your accounting software/ERP system's capabilities. Integrate third-party add-on software that employs either a flat-file or API connection if the send payment option isn't provided. 

To modify the payment advice for each payment receiver, use Microsoft Word or Excel templates, Google Docs, Sheets or Forms. When opening an incoming mail, the employee should first compare the quantity of cash received to the amount mentioned in the payment advice. An employee prepares payment advice if the consumer does not return it. As the cash register tape, the payment advice acts as a record of money received.

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is an older standard for communication between trade partners that do business for online invoicing and payments—according to Reuters, eft polled supply chain executives in 2015 regarding EDI use. According to the eft survey results, EDI is still in use, although web-service API may soon replace it.


Payment advice may slowly be going out of fashion, but it is here to stay for the foreseeable future. If you want to maintain a good relationship with your vendors and suppliers, you may want to start including payment advice in your standard operating procedure.


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